Friday 27 February 2015

Fun Activities For Esl Students To Learn Vocabulary

Engage students of all ages with fun vocabulary activities.

Teachers know that students are much more likely to learn when they're having fun. But you don't have to be a teacher to know that learning as much vocabulary as possible is essential for mastering English as a second language. Combine this knowledge to create fun activities for ESL students to quickly learn vocabulary.

Artistic Activities

Play a version of Pictionary with your students. Cut 10 small paper squares and put five different vocabulary words on each. Divide the squares into two stacks and put them at the front of the room. Call one student from each team to the board and give each a square. They must draw each vocabulary word on the list, and their teammates have to guess each before proceeding to the next. Or you can put students into teams and give them a long list (about two dozen) vocabulary words and a few magazines. Use as many parts of speech as possible. Tell them to find magazine pictures that illustrate each of the words on the list.


Put students into small groups of three or four and use improvisation to teach and get students to quickly use new vocabulary. Put a list of five or six unrelated vocabulary words on the board and explain the concept of improv. Tell students to take one minute to put together a 30-second skit with the vocabulary words. Or put students into groups and do a short, two-minute play. Change the theme every week. For lower levels, use basic themes, such as "meeting a friend." Use more advanced themes, such as "resolving a problem in a restaurant," for higher levels. Explain as little as possible about the theme; encourage students to figure it out and determine what the appropriate vocabulary is.

Competitive Activities

Put two chairs (facing the rest of the students) at the front of the room and split the room in two for teams. Call a student from each team to sit in one of the chairs and write a vocabulary word on the board behind him. Each team must explain the word to the teammate in the chair without actually saying it. The teammate to guess the word first wins a point. Or put 10 categories on the board, such as jobs, places and food. Put students into small groups and designate a writer for each. Tell students they have one minute to think of a word for each category beginning with a certain letter. The time starts when you write the letter on the board. Tell students that only original answers (ones they don't share with the other teams) get points.

Other Activities

Split students into teams. Explain that you are going to send one person from each team out of the classroom. When she returns, you will give her a category, and she will have 20 seconds to name as many items as possible in that category. Award one point for each correct item. The second person gets the same instructions but only gets points for new answers. Let the students keep score. Or write emotions, such as happy or sad, on 20 slips of paper. Each student comes to the front and draws a slip, then must act out the emotion on the card. The first student to guess what he is feeling gets a small prize.

Tags: students into, vocabulary words, from each, from each team, Tell students

Gifts For Deployed Military

Service members enjoy gifts from home.

Care packages and gifts sent to soldiers serving our country overseas are a great pick-me-up and morale booster. Knowing what to send can be challenging since soldiers often have limited space and they must find a way to get the gift home once their tour of duty is over. Several gift ideas are ideal for soldiers.


Food items make great gifts since soldiers often miss the taste of home. Baking their favorite cookies or sending their favorite snack or candy is something soldiers enjoy and they can share with others. Some ideas include drink mixes, gum, mints, cocoa mix and nuts. Be sure whatever you send can handle extreme temperatures and will not melt if being sent to the Middle East.

Electronic Items

Small items like CDs, DVDs and video games can be sent overseas. Sending the latest DVD hit or their favorite video game can allow soldiers to watch or play with their friends. Many soldiers bring with them or have access to a gaming system, so check with the soldier first to make sure he has a gaming system available. Playing games, listening to music and watching movies are ways soldiers can relax after very long days.


Photo books, picture calendars, videos and other mementos from home allow the soldier to feel connected to family and his life stateside. A photo book of a recent trip, holiday or even day-to-day life is a treasured gift. Little items that have meaning are also a thoughtful idea.


Magazines, playing cards, puzzle books, joke items, water guns, sports balls and books are other ideas. Soldiers enjoy playing pranks on one another, so something that can be used for a prank is a great idea. Footballs and soccer balls are great for team sports, and they also build teamwork among the soldiers.

Tags: their favorite, from home, gaming system, since soldiers, since soldiers often

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Christmas Covered Dish Ideas

Casseroles or covered dishes are easy to transport.

Hosting a Christmas potluck lets you celebrate the holidays without spending a lot of money. While you're responsible for decorations and entertainment, guests bring dishes to share with one another. Whether you're throwing the party or attending the event as a guest, you need Christmas covered dish ideas to share with the group. Add this to my Recipe Box.

Everything Mashed Potato Casserole

Boil 3 pounds of diced and peeled potatoes until the potatoes are tender to the touch, approximately 20 minutes. Drain the potatoes and transfer to a large bowl. Mash the potatoes, adding 8 ounces of cream cheese, ½ cup butter, ½ cup milk, salt and pepper. Pour the mashed potato mixture into a greased casserole dish. Top with 2 cups sour cream, 2 cups shredded cheese, crumbled bacon and minced chives. Bake for 10 minutes at 350 degrees, according to Taste of Home.

Prosciutto-Wrapped Asparagus

For an elegant twist on traditional Christmas covered dishes, try the prosciutto-wrapped asparagus that The New York Times picked as one of its favorite 2010 holiday recipes submitted by readers. Trim 1 pound asparagus and lay on a sheet pan. Drizzle the asparagus with extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper. Roast in the oven for 15 minutes on low heat. Once the asparagus cools slightly, wrap each with a piece of prosciutto. Serve the asparagus warm or at room temperature.

Green Bean Casserole

Many people have their own version of green bean casserole, but try the crunchy version from the All Recipes website. Mix one can condensed mushroom soup, one small can water chestnuts, two cans green beans, salt, pepper and a cup of milk and pour into a casserole dish. Top with four crumbled slices of bacon and fried onion pieces. Bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees.

Spinach and Bacon Quiche

Cook 1 pound bacon on low heat until cooked through and crispy. Drain the bacon on paper towels and, when cool, crumble into small pieces. Thaw a 10-ounce package of frozen spinach and squeeze with your hands to remove the excess water. Place the spinach in the bottom of a 9-inch prepared pie crust. Top with the bacon, ½ cup green onions and 1 ½ cups cheddar cheese. Mix six eggs, 1 ½ cups heavy cream, 1 teaspoon hot sauce, 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce and salt and pepper in a small bowl. Pour the mixture over the spinach and bake for 35 minutes in a 375 degree oven, according to All Recipes.

Tags: salt pepper, Bake minutes, Bake minutes degrees, casserole dish, casserole dish with, Christmas covered, covered dishes

Friday 20 February 2015

Get Acquainted Activities For The Fifth & Sixth Grade

Students in fifth and sixth grade may need help with social skills.

Fifth and sixth grades are often the first school years where students change classrooms during the day. Without the security of being in the classroom with the same people they have been with for years, they are looking at new faces and perhaps feeling a bit unsure. With the teenage years and high school just around the corner, a few get acquainted games can help them break the ice and develop their social skills.

Find Your Group

Let the students try to find the others who belong in their group.

On index cards, write names of people who belong to a group of three or four. For instance, on one card write "Ringo," and the other Beatles' names on three different cards. Make enough cards for the whole class and give each student a card. Each student must find the rest of the people that make up his group. When all the groups have been united, have each group sit together in the classroom and get to know each other.

For more group fun, cut up the frames of several comic strips and give the individual frames to the students. They must find the people with the rest of their comic and piece it together.

All About Me

Play a game with colored candy to help kids tell about themselves.

Give each student a small cup of colored candies. On the board, assign a different meaning for each color, such as blue for family, yellow for hobbies, etc. Go around the room one student at a time. The first student will hold up one of her candies and tell something about herself depending on the color candy she chose. Go around the room until all the candies have been used. The students get to eat the candies when they are finished.

Give each person an outline of a head. Have them write words in the outline about things that are important to them. They can share in small groups or with the whole class.

Work As a Team

Create team-building exercises for an ice-breaker.

Group students in twos or threes. Have them interview each other and report back to the class. Let groups of students go on scavenger hunts in the classroom or on the school grounds as a team-building exercise. With a team, have the students work together to answer quizzes they are given. For example, name green foods or list rock stars. Prizes can be awarded for the teams that get the most items or correct answers. Mix up the teams and do the same activities the next week.

Teams of Two

Put the students in two lines facing each other so everyone has a partner. Have the partners tell each other their names and then study each other for 30 seconds. Both lines will then turn and face the wall and change one thing about themselves: remove a headband, untie shoes or unzip a jacket. Have them face each other again and try to determine what the difference is.

For another activity, pair two students together and give them a few questions to work on. They might discuss "what famous person would I like to meet and why" or "what would be the best vacation I could go on."

Tags: each other, have been, Have them, about themselves, around room, each student, Give each

Birthday Party Drink Ideas

Pink drinks will fit right in at a little girl's birthday party.

Whether you are planning your daughter's sweet sixteen party or your best friend is turning 50, cater the birthday party drinks to fit the particular milestone. Consider how color, flavor and ingredients can come together as a celebration of your loved one's life. Other factors to consider when choosing drinks for any party is the time of year, and how many people you are serving. Does this Spark an idea?

Girl's Birthdays

Serve drinks to a house full of little girls during your daughter's birthday party that are pink and fuzzy. A punch bowl full of pink punch will be a striking complement to pink party decorations. To make a fruity, pink punch, combine one and a half cups of sugar, one and a half cups of lemon juice, three cups of orange juice and six cups of cranberry juice. Stir the juice until the sugar dissolves, then add half of a gallon of raspberry sherbet or cherry sorbet, and a two liter bottle of ginger ale or lemon-lime soda.

Fifty Plus

For someone turning 50 or older, make cocktails to reflect a more mature time in life. Bourbon, which has a rich history with roots in colonial America, is one of the country's most respected liquors and is a suitable choice for cocktails at a birthday party for someone in their prime. A drink that will exude maturity is an old-fashioned, which is a staple cocktail of over 100 years. To make an old-fashioned, muddle two teaspoons of simple syrup and two teaspoons of Angostura bitters. Pour over ice and add a shot of fine bourbon, an orange slice and a maraschino cherry.

Summer Birthdays

A birthday party during a warm spring or summer day is best held outdoors with barbecue and refreshing cocktails. Balance spicy, grilled foods with homemade lime coolers. Lime coolers are suitable for a birthday party with several guests, as they are fast and easy. To make a lime cooler, place one tablespoon of sugar and one tablespoon of freshly squeezed lime juice. Add one shot of rum and fill the rest of the glass with seltzer. You can easily multiply this recipe to fill a punch bowl for self-serving.

Winter Birthdays

Warm the hearts of guests during a cold fall or winter party with a comfort cocktail. For kids and individuals who don't drink alcohol, hot cider is a common winter party drink as is. You can also use hot cider to spice up a cocktail. To make a hot cider cocktail, add a shot of whiskey to a mug of hot cider and garnish with cloves and a cinnamon stick. This drink would do well beside a cinnamon birthday cake with butter cream frosting. For winter birthday party with a larger number of guests, another option is warm English punch. To make English punch, boil a half gallon of water with two cups of sugar and the peels of three or four lemons. Remove the lemon and combine the mixture in a punch bowl with the juice of three or four lemons, one 750 mL bottle of ruby port and one 750 mL bottle of rum. Garnish the punch with nutmeg and slices of apples and oranges.

Tags: birthday party, party with, punch bowl, birthday party with, cups sugar, English punch

Thursday 19 February 2015

Form Tag Input Types

Every Web form is composed of multiple HTML input tags.

Any form on a Web page is composed of multiple HTML tags surrounded by and tags. Every part of a form, such as a new field or a submit button, has its own tag with multiple attributes, including the "type" attribute. Specifying the type of an tag tells the Web browser display the field. There are 10 valid "type" options for an tag.

Basic Format

The basic format of an tag is:

Replace "typeoption" with one of the valid input field options.


The "button" type creates a button that your website visitors can click. This type is not for a form's "submit" button but rather for activating JavaScript or loading external links. For example:

Check box

The "checkbox" type creates one check box. All check boxes in the same question have the same "name" attribute. For example:




The "file" type tells the Web browser to provide a "Browse" button for a website visitor to locate a file on his computer to upload as part of the form. This normally takes the form:


Specifying the input type as "hidden" hides the field but still passes that field's value in the form submission. For example, you could pass a hidden field that specifies from which page on your website a visitor submits a form:


Using the "image" type creates a submit button for your form out of an image, instead of displaying the default Web button. For example:


The "password" input type creates a standard blank text box, but obscures whatever letters and numbers the visitors enters as a security measure. For example:


The "radio" type creates a small circle next to each option. Radio buttons are similar to check boxes, except visitor can select only one answer for each radio question, while they could select multiple check boxes. An example of radio button code:



Submit and Reset

The "submit" input type submits a form's contents, while the "reset" input type clears all current form entries. For example:


Specify an input type as "text" for a blank text box that displays entered characters normally. Specify the width of a text field with the "size" attribute. For example:

Tags: input type, type creates, check boxes, submit button, attribute example, blank text, composed multiple

Disney Hotel Tips

Disney hotels offer guests several advantages.

Besides amusement parks, Disneyland and Disney World resorts offer several on-property hotels for guests. All the Disney hotels are themed and are close to each park. No matter if the hotel is budget-friendly or more luxurious, guests will be able to take advantage of various benefits.

Vacation Packages

Depending on when you stay and for how long, Disney offers several package opportunities. You may be able to stay at a hotel for a certain number of nights in a row and then receive an extra night free. You may also get Disney Dining Dollars with your package. These dining dollars allow you a set number of meals at Disney restaurants. These meals range from sit-down restaurants to quick service fare depending on the package. You may also get a discount or a park-hopper option on admission to the theme parks if you go with a vacation package. Book in advance and check frequently with Disney online for special offers and discounts.

Disney's Magic Hours

All guests who stay at a Disney property hotel may participate in "Magic Hours." This program allows Disney hotel guests admission before or after the amusement parks have closed to the general public, with the purchase of a park ticket. Disney World offers Magic Hours for each of its parks on certain days. For hours, check the pamphlet you receive when you arrive at your hotel.

Special Services

Disney hotels offer guests the opportunity to ship most items purchased inside the parks to the hotel. Guests may pick up the items at the hotel instead of carrying them around the park for the rest of the day.

Disney World offers guests free shuttle service to each hotel on Disney property. Some airlines even allow guests to check their bags at the hotel before arriving at the airport. Disney World offers a complimentary bus system to all its parks, including Downtown Disney. Each hotel and park has an area for guests to line up for the bus. Buses run between hotels and each Disney World park.

Tags: Disney World, Disney hotels, Disney World offers, Magic Hours, World offers, amusement parks

Fun & Fast Wedding Shower Games

Wedding shower games provide a way for the bridal party to interact prior to the wedding ceremony. Shower games are fun because they let the bridal party learn about the participants as individuals. When selecting games, pick those that involve all attendees so that no one is left out. And select games that are appropriate for the type of people attending the wedding shower. Does this Spark an idea?


Arrange the wedding shower group for this game. Have guests introduce themselves to the wedding shower group. Instruct them to state three things about themselves, with two of the statements being true and one being false. The rest of the guests should try to guess the falsehood.

Card Game

Print some bridal bingo cards. (See Resources.) Instead of getting bingo, the goal of the game is to match the words on the bridal bingo cards to the ones being called out by the announcer. The announcer has a list of the available words in a dish or a hat. As the announcer says the word, the party participants mark the matching word off of their card. The first one to get five words vertically, horizontally or corner to corner wins.

Guess Who

Collect some photos of famous people or write the names of these people on some tape. Pin or tape them to the wedding party's backs. Each guest tries to guess the name of the person on their back. They can ask questions to help get the answer. Some questions may be, "Am I male or female?" Try to use names that are related to the theme of the bridal shower and someone the guests will know.

Make Wedding Dress

Have the guests create a wedding dress out of toilet paper. Give them a limit of one roll. To make the game more competitive, separate the groups into different rooms. When the dress is complete, each group has one person model and explain the wedding dress concept. Let the bride determine the winner.

Tags: bingo cards, bridal bingo, bridal bingo cards, bridal party, Have guests, shower group, wedding dress

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Disneyland Hotels For The Military

Hotels offer military discounts.

Serving in the U.S. military has its advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages include lower pay compared to civilian entry-level positions, working without overtime pay, moving frequently, long separations from friends and family, and dangerous assignments. Businesses recognize the sacrifices military men and women make by offering military discounts. Active duty and retired military personnel can take advantage of discount hotel rates for a vacation to Disneyland in Anaheim, California.

Disney Resorts

Disneyland offers a limited number of "room-only reservations" to military for the three hotels on the Disney property. While this option may cost more than staying off the property, Disney offers additional benefits not available to regular ticket holders, such as entering the park an hour earlier. Disney recommends making the reservations as soon as possible since it limits the number of discounted rooms at Disney's Grand California Hotel & Spa, Disneyland Hotel and Disney's Paradise Pier Hotel. Military identification is required at check-in.

Disneyland Resort

P.O. Box 3232

Anaheim, CA 92803-3232

(714) 956-6425

Armed Forces Vacation Club

Armed Forces Vacation Club (AFVC) offers negotiated discounts to 3,500 resorts in the United States and 80 countries, including three hotels within minutes of Disneyland. These condominiums and hotel rooms are also subject to space available. Making reservations through AFVC guarantees a preset weekly (seven-day) rates for these units. The military vacation site has links to Dolphins Cove Resort, Peacock Suite Resort and Shell Vacations Club at Peacock Suite Resorts to see resort and unit pictures, a list of amenities, and features in the units.

Armed Forces Vacation Club

7 Sylvan Way

Parsippany, NJ 07054

(800) 724-9988

Morale, Welfare and Recreation

Military bases have an office called Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) which has discounts for military personnel to area attractions, hotels and travel. For example, Beale Air Force Base, located near Sacramento offers a Military Hotel Ticket Program Voucher to four hotels in Anaheim within walking distance of the park. The MWR requires military personnel make reservations directly with the hotel mentioning the voucher program and then coming to the office to purchase the non-refundable voucher. Check into the MWR at the closest military base, even the U.S. Naval Station in Rota, Spain, offers discounts for hotels in Anaheim, California.


Investing some time in making direct calls to hotel chains may save even more money than going through the AFVC or MWR. According to, military discounts are often the best rates available. However, it takes a direct call to the hotel and a request for a discount. As with the other options, military need to be flexible because the discount usually is limited to space available and requires a military ID at check-in. Smaller independent hotels may also offer good deals, but also take time and direct calls to inquire.

Tags: Armed Forces, Armed Forces Vacation, Forces Vacation, Forces Vacation Club, military discounts, military personnel, Vacation Club

Fun Topics & Ideas For A Group Presentation

Be sure to rehearse often as a group before the day of your presentation.

Group presentations are a common feature in business, and are a vital tool for informing current staff or clients about changes to your organization, or attracting new customers. It is important that you make a good and lasting impression, as this will enhance the reputation of your business. There is a risk that group presentations can be dull, with each person talking in turn. This could bore your audience and cause them to lose concentration. There are a number of ideas you can employ to improve your group presentation and make it more interesting.

Audience Interaction

Your audience is far more likely to keep their focus and concentration if they are able to interact with you and your group in some way. One way in which this can be achieved is to ask your audience questions regularly throughout your presentation. Alternatively, split your audience into groups to discuss a specific aspect of the content of your presentation, and assign one team member to each group.

Visual Aids

Visual aids are a great way of capturing your audience's attention. This can be in the form of graphs, images and charts on a slide-show presentation, or you could provide your audience with a physical item to look at. If your presentation is about a particular product, you could give each audience member a prototype of this item. This will allow them to inspect and review it, and prompt feedback.

Perform a Skit

Create and rehearse a short skit to perform at the beginning of your presentation. It will lighten the mood, interest your audience and capture their imagination and concentration. This could be in the form of a comedy sketch, a mock talk show, or even a dance routine. It will ensure that your presentation is memorable for a long time, and demonstrates that your company is innovative and interested in alternative ways of presenting a topic.

Tour the Area

If your presentation is in a location where a tour would both complement your talk and enhance your audience's interest, such as a factory where a particular product is made, split your audience into groups. One team member then takes charge of a group, and tours the area giving information about the product you are trying to sell as well as providing an interesting insight into the manufacturing process. Each group can then return to the conference room to discuss what they have seen and heard.

Tags: your audience, your presentation, audience into, audience into groups, into groups, particular product, split your

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Cruises That Leave From Honolulu

The city of Honolulu greets scores of cruise ship passengers each year.

Most major cruise lines offer trips to and from Honolulu, Hawaii, with the majority of the vessels docking at the Aloha Tower Cruise Ship Terminal. The adjacent Aloha Tower Marketplace has scores of restaurants, shops and street performers to entertain tourists and locals. The complex also offers free shuttle service to the cruise ship pier.

12-Day Hawaii Cruise

Carnival's 12-Day Hawaii Cruise sets sail from Honolulu with stops at Kona, Hilo and Maui along the way. Ensenada, Mexico, serves as the final destination for the cruise. Passengers travel on the Carnival Spirit, which has interior cabins, suites and staterooms with balconies and ocean views. The vessel features a host of entertainment options, ideal for the journey's five-day stretch at sea, including a miniature golf course, casino, arcade, Internet café and swimming pool with a water slide and whirlpools.

12-Day Hawaii Cruise

Carnival Cruise


7-Day Hawaii, Round Trip Honolulu

Sailing aboard Norwegian Cruise Line's Pride of America vessel, guests can enjoy a seven-day round-trip excursion from Honolulu. The ship tours the Hawaiian Islands, including visits to such ports of call as Kahului (Maui), Hilo and Kona. Pride of America has 14 restaurants and nine bars, including such dining options as a sushi bar, a steakhouse and a 1950s diner. The vessel also offers such amenities as a jogging track, two swimming pools, a fitness center and volleyball and basketball courts.

7-Day Hawaii, Round Trip Honolulu

Norwegian Cruise Line


11-Night Hawaii Cruise

Royal Caribbean has an 11-night Hawaiian cruise sailing from Honolulu to Vancouver, British Columbia. The cruise stops at such standard ports as Hilo and Kailua Kona and also features an evening sail past the lava flows of the active volcano Mount Kilauea. The massive Rhapsody of the Seas vessel accommodates more than 2,400 passengers. It offers such perks as a rock climbing wall, spa, fitness center, six whirlpools and two swimming pools, including an indoor/outdoor pool under a sliding roof.

11-Night Hawaii Cruise

Royal Caribbean


Tags: Hawaii Cruise, 12-Day Hawaii, 12-Day Hawaii Cruise, from Honolulu, 11-Night Hawaii, 11-Night Hawaii Cruise

Monday 16 February 2015

Allinclusive Hawaiian Packages

Hawaii is a beautiful and popular tourist destination.

Hawaii Aloha Travel is a licensed travel agency located in Honolulu that offers some of the best all-inclusive packages to the 50th state. By being headquartered in Hawaii, it has access to some of the best deals for hotels and activities. In addition, its packages are tailored to fit a wide variety of budgets, so pricing information is going to vary by individual.

Oahu Super Saver Package

The Oahu Super Saver Package is the most economical all-inclusive package offered. It includes seven nights at the Park Shore Waikiki Hotel, complimentary breakfast and dinner at the hotel, flower lei greeting, and shuttle service to the hotel. This package also includes great activities such as sailing, city tours, and shopping.

Oahu Carefree Package

This package allows more flexibility than some of the other packages. It includes six nights at a hotel, airport limo pickup, and inclusive breakfast and dinner for your entire stay. The activities included are the North Shore Adventure Tour and a VIP Luau. Because of its limited scheduled activities, this package allows for more personal exploration time on the island.

Kauai Carefree Getaway

This package allows you to experience "Old Hawaii" with a relaxed and laid-back vacation. It includes four-star hotel accommodation for four nights, airport transfer, lei greeting, all breakfasts and dinners, and 10 alcoholic beverages per couple. In addition, this package includes tours of Waimea Canyon and Hanalei Valley.

Maui Carefree Package

As its name implies, this package is for only the island of Maui. It includes six nights at a hotel, inclusive breakfasts and dinners, and limo airport pickup. In addition, the activities include a city tour, snorkeling cruise, spa treatment, and luau.

Oahu and Maui Carefree Package

This package allows you to explore Oahu and Maui. It includes four nights in Oahu and four nights in Maui, inclusive breakfasts and dinners, limo airport pickup, and a flight to Maui. In addition, the activities include the North Shore Adventure Tour, VIP luau, shopping, and a short cruise. This package is includes the best of all the other packages.

VIP Oahu Adventure

Bruce Fisher and Yaling, the owners of Hawaii Aloha Travel Agency, host this VIP adventure package, so it's one of the most premier packages available. It includes four nights in Oahu with activities such as a private rainforest and waterfall hike, sailing adventures, and city tours. The package also includes airport limo pickup and inclusive meals. This package will give you a true experience of Hawaii with the help of two natives.

Tags: four nights, package allows, breakfasts dinners, Carefree Package, This package, This package allows

Cheap Hotels In Niagra Falls Ontario

Tours of Niagara Falls leave the city's downtown area hourly.

Niagara Falls, Ontario, is home to one of Canada's most impressive natural features. Niagara Falls has long been a destination of travelers seeking entertainment and recreation. Boat, bus and helicopter tours leave downtown hourly, providing visitors a variety of ways to view the surrounding countryside. A number of quality, inexpensive hotel options exist within the city limits, providing a variety of amenities and features.

Holiday Inn

Holiday Inn Hotel Niagara Falls is at the same location as many high-end resorts at half the cost. Indoor and outdoor pools are complemented by a spa and sauna. Shopping and dining is accessed on-site at Coco Terrace Steakhouse, Wolfgang Puck Grand Cafe and Tu Tu Tango. A hotel lounge provides patio seating, exotic drinks, fine wines and martinis. Each guest room and suite offers wireless Internet access and cable TV, and continental breakfast is free. From this Holiday Inn, guests are within three miles of Fallsview Casino, Skylon Tower and Niagara Falls.

Holiday Inn

5339 Murray Street

Niagara Falls, ON L2G 2J3


Comfort Inn Fallsview

The Comfort Inn Fallsview, located in the Fallsview District, is in close proximity to a number of attractions, shopping and dining opportunities. Wireless Internet access, cable TV and continental breakfast are provided. An indoor heated pool and hot tub are adjacent to the Comfort Inn's two on-site restaurants. Guest rooms, suites and family suites are available. Balcony rooms receive mist from Niagara Falls. From the hotel, guests are within close reach of Fallsview Casino, Falls Incline Railway and Skylon Tower.

Comfort Inn Fallsview

6645 Fallsview Boulevard

Niagara Falls, ON L2G 7G1


Quality Hotel and Suites

Quality Hotel and Suites provides exceptional location and clean facilities at inexpensive rates. Wireless Internet access, cable TV and continental breakfasts are provided. Suites offer whirlpool tubs, microwaves and refrigerators. An indoor pool, laundry facility and on-site restaurant cater to guests. A lobby gift shop and business center are on-site as well. Niagara Falls is within walking distance of Quality Hotel and Suites. Seneca Casino Niagara and Aquarium of Niagara are within a few miles.

Quality Hotel & Suites At The Falls

240 1st Street

Niagara Falls, NY 14303


Tags: Niagara Falls, Hotel Suites, Quality Hotel, Quality Hotel Suites, access cable, access cable continental, cable continental

Thursday 12 February 2015

Activities For Nursing Home Parties

Weekly poker parties can provide lively entertainment for nursing home residents.

Throwing frequent parties in nursing homes with fun, engaging activities will enhance and enliven the golden years of residents' lives. You can throw birthday, holiday, surprise and themed parties for no reason other than enjoyment with planning and creativity for very little expense. Any effort toward making the nursing home a more welcoming and enjoyable place will result in happier residents, closer relationships between staff, residents, and families, and increased morale for all involved. Does this Spark an idea?


Seniors can participate directly in the cycles of nature with weekly garden party activities.

Gardens on or near nursing home grounds offer a lively backdrop for inexpensive weekly parties almost all year. Residents can celebrate the ever-changing cycles of nature while nurturing vegetables, fruits, flowers and closer connections together. Garden party activities include garden planning, soil preparation and tilling, composting, planting and transplanting, weeding, watering, pruning, harvesting and admiring the fruits of collective effort. Residents will develop closer bonds with each other and with their living environment by participating consistently in garden party activities. Begin each garden party with time for a shared meal and a discussion of the activities of the day. End each party with time to observe and celebrate the activities that took place and the work and fun that was accomplished.


Find out which residents have music talent and ability and identify others who wish to learn. Organize a party around musical activities including songwriting, sing-alongs, performances, and sharing of musical talents between residents. Provide a music room with an array of musical instruments for residents to use during the music parties. Invite family and members of the public to attend parties with musical performances to give residents a sense of contributing to the greater community. Organize a dance with music provided by a band or bands made up of nursing home residents and outside volunteers from local music and dance instruction schools.


Include a broad selection of games for residents to enjoy at weekly parties. Host a bingo night once a week with a skilled announcer to keep the excitement building before someone shouts, "Bingo!" Invite family members and friends to bring games to play with residents to keep the party stimulating and engaging. Chess, bridge and classic board games also offer hours of fun and connection between residents. The Ungame board game offers a more intellectually and emotionally stimulating activity to encourage deep listening and empowering self-expression that will build more intimate connection between players. Use recipes from Claude Needham's "Any Game Cookbook" to add spiritual depth and experience to resident's favorite games.

Tags: nursing home, party activities, between residents, connection between, cycles nature, family members, garden party

Decorating Ideas With The Beach Scene

Create your favorite beach scene in your home.

Beaches can induce calm feelings or happy memories of past beach visits, even if you don't live on the beach. Beach decor can take you back to your happy memories, soothe your soul after a long day or warm you up even if it's snowing outside. Decorate your house to look and feel like a beach cottage by setting up a beach theme with your decor. Does this Spark an idea?


Paint your walls or use peel-and-stick vinyl wall decals for the biggest impact. Use light earth tones commonly found on the beach, such as beige, coral, sea foam green or light blue. Clapboard walls are common in beach cottages or homes and can add a casual feel to your house. If you'd prefer to have a beach scene in your home, paint an entire mural or hang a preprinted mural on the wall that depicts a sandy beach and ocean or a huge wave.


Casual, comfortable furniture is best for a beach setting because it typically makes you feel relaxed. Use soft fabrics that are easy to clean, such as slipcovers, and use light colors, such as white or tan. Wicker furniture is another option for a beach feel as it's typically found outdoors. Add cushions in a light beach color that complements your walls and the rest of your decor. Adirondack furniture says "beach" right away. Although Adirondack furniture is typically found outside on the beach, consider adding cushions for comfort and bringing it indoors for an immediate beach feel and look.


Natural linens in light colors will help keep your home feeling bright and airy like the beach. Use simple sheer curtains, wooden miniblinds or roll-up blinds for privacy and light control, while keeping the windows accessible to let in a nice breeze. Plain linens, such as white, cream, beige or another light color, are ideal for the bed. Choose bedding with an image of waves, the beach or another beach scene, if you prefer. Lay throw rugs on the floor in beach colors or in natural materials, such as raffia or bamboo.


Complete your beach scene through the use of clever accessories. Hang shelves that look like surfboards or repurpose real surfboards. Raffia skirts hung around tables, stools or the bed can invoke a tropical beach scene. Lanterns, particularly rustic-looking lanterns, can add to your beach decor by providing an authentic look. Set out candles in lanterns or in containers filled partway with sand and seashells. Roll up an aged paper, tie it with raffia and stick it inside of an old bottle with a little bit of sand and small shells to look like an authentic message in a bottle. Update plain wooden picture frames by gluing sand or seashells and displaying your favorite beach photos. Use pictures or posters of beach scenes to fill the walls if you can't (or aren't comfortable) painting a beach mural directly onto your walls. Frame the pictures and hang sheer curtains around them to give the impression that the pictures are actually windows, letting in a spectacular beach view. Pile pillows on top of the bed or on sofas with beach motifs, such as palm trees, sailboats, beach umbrellas or surfboards. Stack beach towels in the bathroom or casually lay a couple of colorful beach towels over the back or arms of a chair or sofa for a casual beach look, as though you've just finished swimming in the ocean.

Tags: beach scene, your home, your walls, Adirondack furniture, beach feel, beach scene, beach scene your

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Fundraising Game Ideas

The next time you need to brainstorm fundraising game ideas, go beyond bake sales. Get people involved in action you create. Games and contests are dynamic ways to gather funds and make people glad they contributed.


People love to be part of the action and Heads or Tails is the way to do it. Everyone donates and everyone participates. Someone wins a grand prize. Decide what the grand prize will be in advance. Secure a donation for dinner for two from a local restaurant or a night at a bed and breakfast. On the day of the event, leave envelopes marked "Heads" or "Tails" on every table. At game time, ask everybody to be seated for a game. When everybody is seated, tell each table to assign a banker. This person holds the envelope with the money she is about to collect. Decide before the event how much each person will contribute. The amount each person contributes should be based on the value of the grand prize. Collect the envelopes and deliver them to the announcer who will be holding an coin.

Tell everyone who contributed to stand. People who think the coin will be heads will place their hands on their head. Those who choose tails will place their hands on their bottoms. Toss the coin. Those who choose the right side of the coin remain standing. The last person standing wins the prize (see References 2). Check local laws before organizing a game of chance.


Play Ball-a-thon. High school basketball teams can help raise money with this game. Have players sign up pledges for different basketball shots. Determine shots according to players' ages. For example, older students can shoot from halfcourt. Pledges sign for foul shots, 3-point shots and halfcourts, and shoot 10 foul shots, 10 3-point shots and five halfcourt (see References 1).


Hold a dance marathon to raise funds for your church or school. Determine in advance how long the marathon will last. Do not make it too long for health and safety reasons. Set a reasonable time, such as six hours. Sign up pledges to donate for different amounts of hours. If individuals under 18 are involved, they must provide signed permission slips. Have a school nurse or volunteer doctor available. Select music with varying beats. Couples that dance for the entire time win a prize, which can be a donated concert tickets, passes to a play or a college sporting event.

Tags: grand prize, 3-point shots, each person, everybody seated, foul shots, foul shots 3-point

Monday 9 February 2015

Cool Bridal Shower Ideas

Create a memorable party to celebrate the bride's upcoming nuptials.

For a cool bridal shower, consider the bride's personality and hobbies when designing the event's theme. If the adventurous bride prefers spicy food and a great cocktail-themed event over a traditional shower, create a memorable party to celebrate her upcoming nuptials using her food and entertainment preferences as inspiration. Does this Spark an idea?

Spicy-Themed Shower

For the bride who loves spicy foods and prefers unique parties and special events, plan a "Some Like it Hot" shower. According to Bliss Wedding, "The invitations should request gifts that will spice up the marriage." Decorate the table with plates and napkins covered with chili peppers. Ask the guests to bring their favorite spicy or hot recipes for the bride. Include a recipe card in the invitation for guests to fill out before arriving to the shower. Shower gift ideas may include bottles of hot sauce, lingerie for the bride, massage oil or Mexican cookbooks.

Dance and Entertainment-Themed Shower

Host a dance party for the bride who wants to learn a few dances for the reception. Hire a dance instructor to teach the bride's guests belly dance, salsa or hip-hop dance. Plan a light luncheon before the dance classes at a neighborhood restaurant close to the dance studio. Ask guests to bring the bride entertainment-themed gifts. For example, purchase gift certificates to concerts or musicals, iPod gift cards, or a collection of CDs or DVDs to help create the bride and groom's new entertainment library.

Bartending and Cocktail Shower

For the adventurous bride who enjoys a daiquiri, mojito or cosmopolitan, throw a party featuring cocktails and a bartending class. The Knot recommends, "Hire a local bartender--whether from your favorite bar or from a bartending school--to come and show you guys make some fun cocktails." Ask the guests to help the bride stock her bar with cocktail accessories, drink mixes and bottles of liquor for the event.

Tags: adventurous bride, guests bring, memorable party, memorable party celebrate, party celebrate, upcoming nuptials

Friday 6 February 2015

Good & Cheap 14th Birthday Present Ideas For Teenage Girls

Give her a gift she'll remember long after the cake is finished.

The 14th birthday is a milestone for many girls. At this age, just before the beginning of high school, a lot of girls are developing their unique personalities. For loved ones, buying gifts during the teen years can be almost impossible. But you don't have to spend a fortune to get a thoughtful gift for the teen girl in your life. For $15 or less, a host of exciting presents are available for the big day.

Beauty Products

No matter what their style, most teen girls love using beauty products. A lot of top brands make ready-to-go gift collections that would be perfect for a 14-year-old. Burt's Bees, for example, makes a Head to Toe Starter Kit ($15) with sample sizes of 10 items for every part of her routine. The whole thing comes nicely packaged and ready for wrapping. Bath and Body Works makes a Signature Binder Bag ($12.50) that her friends at school are sure to love. It fits into any three-ring binder and includes a cleansing hand gel, hand lotion and lip gloss. There's even space to include your favorite picture of the two of you.

Purses and Wallets

If you know your girl's taste well enough, try scouting out a cute purse or wallet. Even if you don't, simple patterns and straightforward colors will work for most. Old Navy has a great variety of bags for under $15. Take a look at the Women's Printed Tote ($12.50). Forever 21, a popular store among the teenage set, has a huge selection of large wallets ($7.50) that can hold all her stuff while still fitting discreetly in her backpack.


At this age, a lot of girls are beginning to cultivate their thoughts and ideas. Giving them a journal will encourage them to consider things thoughtfully as well as improving their writing skills. A Moleskine journal is the classic understated diary perfect for teen girls. They're available in a variety of styles, colors and price points, from $5 to $20, and in lined and unlined versions.

Magazine Subscriptions

Magazine subscriptions make great gifts for teen girls. Once a month for an entire year, she'll remember you as she dives into the latest issue. Teen Vogue, Girls' Life and Seventeen are just a few of the magazines you can get for under $15 for a full year. A subscription to Teen Vogue is only $12 for two years.

Tags: teen girls, Teen Vogue

Checklist For Sweet 16 Party

Cake belongs on the checklist for a Sweet 16 party.

Often elaborate affairs, a Sweet 16 birthday party celebrates a young lady's coming of age and welcomes her into a future full of possibilities. Whether going all out or planning a simple and casual party, preparing a checklist ahead of time can keep the party on track for success. Does this Spark an idea?

Getting Started

The initial planning stages of a Sweet 16 birthday party should include discussions concerning the budget. Keep this budget in mind when creating the invitation list, considering food and choosing a venue. Prepare an invitation list and verify addresses. If you have requested an RSVP, create a spreadsheet to help you track responses. Visit possible venues, speak to caterers and interview musicians. Request information on rental fees, deposits, maximum capacity allowed at the venue and availability of dates. Hire a party planner for elaborate affairs. Choose a secondary theme for the party. This will help provide guidance on decorations, food and music.


Contact a bakery and discuss options within your budget. For the creative type and budget conscious, consider making a cake or cupcakes yourself. Bakery supply shops can provide toppers perfect for a Sweet 16 or you can pick a topper that mirrors the theme for the party. For those hosting a party at home or outdoor venue, consider the need to rent tables and chairs to accommodate guests. Decide on flowers and decorations. Consider purchasing favors for party guests. Visit dress boutiques and get the birthday girl an appropriate outfit for the affair. Remember to consider shoes and jewelry.

Final Touches

Give the final guest count to the caterer or keep it in mind if you will be providing the food. Make sure the musicians or DJ's have an approved song list. Make note of those songs that should not find their way into the rotation. Make final payments to appropriate vendors. Purchase a guest book for guests to sign. Consider placing disposable cameras on tables for guests to take pictures throughout the event. Purchase a special gift for the birthday girl. Prepare ahead of time by purchasing thank-you notes to send after the Sweet 16 party.

Tags: ahead time, birthday girl, birthday party, elaborate affairs, invitation list

Examples Of 50th Wedding Anniversary Party Invitations

50th wedding anniversary invitations should reflect the elegance of the celebration.

If you've been placed in charge of organizing a 50th wedding anniversary for a special couple in your life, you'll want to send out invitations that will give the guests an accurate impression of how enjoyable and memorable the celebration will be. Looking at a few examples of invitations can prove to be very helpful in designing the perfect invite for the occasion. Does this Spark an idea?

Golden Invitations

Since gold is the color associated with the 50th wedding anniversary, print the invitations on gold paper to make them classy and eye-catching. The shimmery hue will draw the guest's attention, and make them more likely to RSVP early or remember the party date. Print the words for the invitation (i.e. time, date and address of the anniversary party) in black so they will show up well on the paper, and use a font that is very easy to read, so that the golden paper will be the main attraction of the invitation. Purchase black envelopes for the invites, and use gold envelope seals with the first initial of the couple's last name as a finishing touch.

Invitations with Borders

Add gold accents to the invitations by designing a gold border with cellophane or metallic paper. You can also buy invitations with pre-made gold borders to use for the anniversary celebration. Use ivory or cream-colored paper if you want the invitation to resemble a traditional wedding invite, or black and navy blue paper for an evening event or if these happen to be among the couple's favorite colors. Gold font will also make the invitations appealing, and will stand out well against both dark colors and white invitation paper. If you would like to honor the family traditions that the couple have built together over the last 50 years, ask friends and family to help you gather family pictures to create an invitation border with. Take the photos to a graphic artist to have them reduced and formed into a completely original invitation border that will make the invite a keepsake.

Flower Invitations

The flower associated with the 50th wedding anniversary is the violet. Create invitations that reflect this theme by using a closeup photo of a bouquet of violets as the backdrop for the invitations. Print the invitation details in gold letters, and send the invites in purple envelopes with gold seals. Alternatively, you can cut the invitation paper in the shape of a large violet. Include information about the celebration on the petals of the invitation. Or, use fresh violets for the invitations by tying a small card to the flower stems with gold string. This method works best if the guest list is small, and you can give the invitations to guests in person.

Tags: 50th wedding, 50th wedding anniversary, wedding anniversary, associated with, associated with 50th

Decorating Tips For A 50th Wedding Anniversary

Decorating for a golden wedding anniversary can include funny party favors.

Spending half of a century together is no small feat, and it is a cause for celebration. How formal to make the occasion depends on what you and your spouse want. A 50th wedding anniversary party can be decorated to the nines or be a dressed-down affair, but do not forget to put your own personality into your party.


An all-white party gives a classic look to any affair. Decorate with white tablecloths, plates, candles and balloons. You can further tie in the white theme with daises or lilies as centerpieces for the tables. All these details will pull off a classic lounge-space feeling for your party. You could also display the wedding dress from the big day as another decorative piece.


Because the 50th is known as the golden anniversary, make your party glimmer and shimmer with pretty elements. Keep it classy with golden wreaths that feature candles in the center and golden tulle around the sides. Gold is also a good accenting color to complement with a secondary color, such as black or silver. Sprinkle gold metallic confetti on dark-colored tablecloths.

Wedding Colors

Take a trip down memory lane and re-create the same party feel you had enjoyed a half a century earlier. Select party favors, balloons, streamers and other decorations that are the same colors that you used for your wedding. Feature a collage of pictures from over the years and include one from your wedding day in the center. Make copies of the pictures and place them on the tables as centerpieces. Display a recent picture of you and your spouse next to the old one.

Theme Parties

Theme parties work for nearly every occasion, including a 50th anniversary. For example, if the wedding took place on the beach, create a luau theme with flower leis, Hawaiian shirts, beach towels and sunglasses. You could also use a comedic theme with streamers, balloons and a "ball and chain" as centerpieces on all of the tables. Another great idea is to pass out His and Her shirts as party favors to each one of your guests.

Tags: party favors, theme with, your party, centerpieces tables, could also

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Flamingo Cake Decorating Ideas

A cake is the perfect complement for parties or a family get-together. If you are in charge of dessert, a flamingo theme can get you in touch with your creative side and create a cake that not only tastes good but makes your guests laugh. Add this to my Recipe Box.

Mom Plus One

Find a large, plastic flamingo--like the kind used for a lawn ornament. Bake a large, rectangular cake and cover it in green frosting. Then, bake a few smaller, round cakes. Cut one into a oval-shaped ball and another into the "head" of a flamingo. Attach the head to the oval-shaped body and then cover it in pink frosting. Set this "baby" flamingo on the green cake. If you want, you can pipe little legs on top of the green frosting, like it is splayed out on the grass. Then, secure the large plastic flamingo on top of the cake (you will need to stick its "legs" into the cake to hold it upright). Your finished product will be a mother and baby flamingo, hanging out in the grass on your dessert table.

Do the Bird

If you have some artistic talent, try creating a cake that resembles the goofy bird. However, your cake will have to lay flat, as the proportions of a flamingo do not bode well for an upright cake. Start with a few large, round cakes--strawberry flavor works best because it is already pink. After baking, cut them into the shape of the flamingo's body. Use a third cake round to cut into the shape of the flamingo's head and neck. After assembling all of the parts, frost it with pink icing (either strawberry flavored or white butter cream with food coloring added). To finish the cake, add candy eyes, legs made out of licorice and a black beak (use colored frosting). The end result will look like your flamingo walked right out of the water and onto your serving tray.

Do the Herd

If you want to create a flamingo cake but not the bird, do this instead. Bake a large cake--shape does not matter--and cover it with white frosting. Then, the fun begins. Buy various colored gel-type cake frosting in pink, black, brown, green and blue. With these, create lots of small flamingos all over the cake. Put them into a fun environment by piping on palm trees with coconuts and a little watering hole. Leave some space for your special message, be it "Happy Birthday" or "Congratulations." All guests will love looking at the miniature scene.

Tags: baby flamingo, Bake large, cake that, cake will, flamingo cake, frosting Then, green frosting

Monday 2 February 2015

Birthday Cupcake Ideas For A Swim Party

Frost cupcakes with blue or yellow icing to represent water and sunshine.

Your child has decided that he or she would like a birthday party with a pool or beach theme, which means that the cupcakes you make for the celebration should reflect this warm weather motif. Use some of your little one's favorite beach or pool activities as inspiration when preparing the cupcakes, embellishing them with summery colors, water-oriented decorations, and other tasty accents that will make for even more fun in the sun at the birthday bash. Does this Spark an idea?

Beach Ball Cupcakes

Frost cupcakes with white icing, or add blue food coloring to the icing to make it the color of water. Buy a package of plain sugar cookies at the grocery store and decorate the cookies with icing to look like beach balls. Alternatively, cut fondant in triangular shapes to serve as the sections of the beach ball and outline the cookie in icing. Place a beach ball cookie on top of each cupcake to make a birthday dessert that has two times the sweetness and two times the fun.

Water-Themed Cupcakes

Make the cupcakes look like the beach or a pool by mixing different amounts ot blue food coloring in two or three small bowls of white icing. Spread these lighter and darker shades of blue icing on top of each cupcake with a butter knife using swift, sweeping motions, to create waves. You can even add the food coloring to the cupcake batter to create all-blue cupcakes, or dye the cupcakes blue by using blueberry flavoring. Sprinkle the cupcakes with sugar crystals to create texture, or crumble graham crackers or sugar cookies and sprinkle them along the edges of the dessert to look like sand.

Beach Bear Cupcakes

Ice the cupcakes and position one or two gummy bears or a mini bear cookie in the center of each cupcake. If you're especially crafty, and there's enough room on the cookie, add icing sunglasses or a bathing suit to each. Sprinkle crumbled graham crackers or gingerbread cookies all around the cupcake to look like sand. Stick a mini paper umbrella on the side of each cupcake before serving the treats to guests.

Lifesaver Cupcakes

Ice each cupcake in light blue icing, and cut out white fondant in the shape of a lifesaver. Use small pieces of red fondant to add stripes to each lifesaver before placing one on top of each cupcake. Or, cover the cupcakes in red or white fondant and add a white or clear gummy candy in the shape of a lifesaver to each after adding red stripes to the candy. Sprinkle the cupcakes with blue sugar to resemble drops of water, and to add a little extra sweetness and visual appeal.

Tags: each cupcake, cupcakes with, look like, food coloring, beach pool, blue food, blue food coloring

Beach Party Favor Ideas

Use seashells as inspiration when designing beach party favors.

If you are hosting a beach-themed birthday bash, design party favors that coordinate with the ocean theme. Beach-inspired parting gifts are the ideal way to thank guests for attending the celebration. Use natural seashells to embellish store-bought favors or create the items from scratch using arts and craft supplies. Does this Spark an idea?

Personalized Beach Towels

If you party budget allows, treat guests to plush, colorful beach towels. Choose soft terry cloth velour towels featuring vibrant, tropical hues such as bright pink, orange, sunny yellow and turquoise blue. Or pick towels according to the party color theme. As a personalized touch, have each towel embroidered with a charming design, such as a palm tree or a flamingo, along with guests' names or initials. For a charming presentation, tightly roll the towels and secure them with grosgrain ribbons; place one towel by each guest's place setting.

Seashell-Enhanced Decor Items

If you have a large seashell collection at your disposal--or can buy a bulk bag of mixed shells--use the ocean treasures to design one-of-a-kind beach party favors. Buy inexpensive plain wood picture frames and glue seashells around them using a hot glue gun. Or use the seashells to spell out each guest's name on a frame for a personalized look. Use small, wood-framed mirrors in place of picture frames if you desire. Glass votive holders, candles and trinket boxes also can be enhanced with seashells.

Ocean-Themed Cookies

Send party guests out the door with a sweet token of your appreciation. Whip up batches of ocean-themed cookies using clever cutters and a little imagination. Use a starfish-shaped cookie cutter to create whimsical baked treats. Cover the cookies with light blue frosting and use green icing to create the creature's striped and dotted markings. Make round shortbread or sugar cookies and create sand dollar-inspired markings in the dough using a fork before baking them; top the cookies with powdered sugar or white frosting. Other whimsical cookie designs include seahorses, seashells and tropical fish. Present the cookies in small cellophane or fishing net-inspired bags.

Tags: party favors, beach party favors, cookies with, each guest, glue seashells