Wednesday 8 October 2014

Business Article Writing Styles

Writing business articles is not the same as composing pieces for entertainment or other purposes. The nonfiction styles of business articles are factual in nature, informational and useful. If you write for business publications or online content, or you are trying to break into the field, you have choices of the type of style that will be of interest to your target readers.

Interview Business Experts

You can be factual with your content by using books, other articles, online sources or experts as references. If you interview someone with expertise in your topic, take detailed notes and ask the person if you may record your conversation. When using a quote from your expert, you must write exactly what he said inside quotation marks, credit your source and give his occupational title and company to lend credibility to your article. Even if you don't used direct quotes, make sure to credit your source to show the reader if you use any ideas that your expert discussed.

Personal Business Experience

If you have been asked to document your experience in a business article, plan carefully before submitting your work. Find out what the publication you're writing for specializes in and focus your topic in that area if it applies to you. Don't lose the reader by straying off of your theme, even if you have an abundance of information about a variety of subjects. When evaluating your business experiences, keep within the required word count and cut out extraneous information that takes away from your point and topic. Since this is a business article, include advice or personal experience that readers may use to enhance their own entrepreneurial endeavors.

Business Topic

Choose a business topic that you are familiar with. In this article type, a mix of personal experience and credible references will give the greatest impact to your writing. If your word count requirement is less than 2,000 words, do not pick a general topic such as "Employee Management." Too many different points may be made on this subject. Instead, be more specific so your readers know what to expect from your article, such as "Employee Performance Evaluations." Once you narrow down your topic and focus of the article, look for credible references that support your ideas and experience. If your sources of information give you a thought or if you use an idea presented in them, give credit in or after your article. If you do not use a reference in any way, remove it from your list so its content does not serve to confuse a reader.

Business Research

A business research article is a long, informational piece for readers who are looking for an in-depth analysis on one topic or a wide range of topics. To determine how much you will cover in the article, start with an outline to ensure that all of your material is related in some way. Include the history of your subject, an introduction briefly explaining the content, background on why it's important to explore for business owners, a body that will include the bulk of your research and a conclusion. Use interviews and other sources, including them in your list of references at the end of the article or in the body, if applicable.

Tags: from your, your article, your topic, business article, business articles