Friday 10 October 2014

Carnival Games For Special Events

Play a game of balloon darts to help create a carnival theme.

Carnivals are a great way to raise money for any organization. When planning carnival games for special events, be sure to have games for everyone to play. Games give the attendees something to do, while they also have a chance to earn prizes. Awarding carnival-themed prizes, such as stuffed animals and inflatable toys, will entice the players to try each game.

Dart Games

Inflate several balloons and use tacks to attach them to a piece of plywood or cork board. Arrange the balloons in rows, vertically and horizontally. Keep extra bags of balloons handy, as balloons tend to burst. Guests must throw darts from behind a line at the balloons. Award small, medium and large prizes, depending on the number of balloons popped by each player. If you do not have access to balloons and a cork board, you can use a dartboard. Hang a dartboard and award prizes to players depending on the number of points they score.

Water Games

Place three empty vegetable cans or empty soda cans on a table. Mark a line and have players stand at the line. Give each player a large water gun to use to try to shoot all the cans off the table. Award prizes to players who can knock all the cans down. Of course, no carnival is complete without a duck pond. Place rubber ducks in a small plastic pool. Use a permanent marker to draw a star on the bottom of some of the ducks. If a guest selects a duck from the pond that has a star, she is a winner.

Hula Hoop Games

Scatter several prizes on the ground and mark a line for guests to stand at. Place large prizes farther away from the line and small prizes closer to the line. Stuffed animals work perfectly for this game. The players will use Hula Hoops to try to ring a prize. If the Hula Hoop goes all the way around the prize, the player wins that prize. You can also scatter the hoops on the ground and have players try to toss beanbags into the hoops. Label each hoop with points, and players have to score a certain number of points to win a prize.

Sport Games

Paint a piece of plywood like a soccer goal and cut a hole in the wood that is large enough for a soccer ball. Players must stand at a line and try to kick a soccer ball through the hole. Variations of this game include football and baseball. Paint a football player like he is catching the ball, with the hole at his hands. For baseball, paint a catcher bent down catching a ball and cut the hole where his glove is.

Tags: cans table, catching ball, cork board, depending number, each player, have players, Hula Hoop