Wednesday 1 October 2014

Cheap Birthday Ideas For Husbands

Finding your husband that perfect birthday gift can be a daunting task, whether you are a young couple who hasn't spent too many years together or whether you have been searching for gifts for years. A few ideas can turn a regular birthday into a favorite birthday in no time. And no matter what your budget is, you can find cheap birthday gift ideas quite easily.


Personalization used to be something that cost lots of money and was hard to obtain. Now, however, many shops offer personalization on lots of items. You can buy T-shirts, hats, chef's aprons or even fabric items like stuffed animals at discount stores and then pay a small fee at a shop for personalization. A grilling apron or fishing hat might not be appreciated on their own, but once you personalize them with a name or message, they can be the kind of gift your husband will cherish for years to come.

Something Different

Not every cheap gift for your husband's birthday has to be something traditional. Use a little creativity to come up with something unusual. For instance, have a star named after him or buy a "plot on the moon" for him through an online company. Imagine a certificate that shows your husband owns one inch of his favorite football stadium or a plot of land at the Arctic Circle. These realty gifts, whether jokes or serious fundraisers, are becoming more and more common, as well as cheaper. Stars named through an online company, for instance, can cost as little as $19.95.

Gift of Time

As the years go by, you might get tired of buying things for your husband's birthday. It can be fun to give him gifts that don't cost anything. Try giving him an evening's massage, a weekend to sleep in without kids bothering him or letting him go out with the boys without any hassle from you. Perhaps you'd like to give him a gift of allowing him to choose the television programs you watch for a week and a promise to watch with him. These types of non-monetary gifts can be cherished just as much as those that come wrapped in packages.

Tags: your husband, birthday gift, gift your, gift your husband, husband birthday, online company