Tuesday 13 January 2015

Birthdayflyer Ideas

Every day, millions of birthdays are celebrated. One of the most popular ways to advertise a birthday is a birthday flyer. Similar to an invitation, a birthday flyer can be taped to walls, mailed or simply handed to friends. There are many colorful and fun birthday-flyer ideas that are either free to print or easy to design. Does this Spark an idea?

Joke Flyer

A flyer does not have to be serious to be effective. In fact, some of the best flyers are humorous. A good joke will catch the eye and interest of anybody who reads it. An example of a humorous birthday flyer is one that makes light of an aspect of somebody's personality. For example, if the birthday celebrant is well known for being a penny pincher, find a picture of somebody pulling out his empty pockets. Write on the flyer, "John's Having a Birthday Party...Bring Your Own Everything."

Art Flyer

Many birthday flyers will be basic to the point of simplicity. They are designed to get their message across efficiently and without much effort. This is nice, but you can really show off your artistic ability with an art flyer. Design an artistic method of getting across your birthday message. The art should integrate the name of the person and the age she is turning. Incorporate the time of the birthday party, if there is one, and where it is located. Once you have this information down, make your art. Go crazy with it. The only limitation is your imagination.

Age Flyer

Every year we all gain another number to our age. Celebrating that number is a fun way to design a flyer. First, do some research on the number; find several interesting facts about it. For example, if someone is 11, you could put that there were 11 time zones in the former Soviet Union. If someone is turning 60, you could report that this is the speed limit in a particular area. The number of the age should be large and prominent on the flyer. Put your birthday information somewhere noticeable and your list of facts scattered around the flyer.

Music Flyer

Music speaks to most people clearly and emotionally. It doesn't matter if you listen to country music, rap, soul or rock; your favorite artists and music will make you feel better. For a music birthday flyer, find out what music the person celebrating the birthday likes most. Find out specific names of artists and songs. Once you have a few ideas, integrate them into your flyer. For example, if the celebrant loves the Beatles, she will enjoy seeing their lyrics and mop tops on a birthday flyer.

Sports Flyer

Many people are into sports, from watching them to playing them. Creating a sports birthday flyer is a great way to celebrate the birthday person's favorite sport and birthday. First, put some sort of message on your flyer, such as "John is celebrating a birthday, Sammy Sosa Style." Now, find a picture of Sammy Sosa and put it on your flyer. Put up Sammy's baseball statistics. Integrate other elements of baseball, like bats, bases and the ball. This can work with any sport and any player.

Tags: birthday flyer, your flyer, celebrating birthday, find picture, First some, Flyer Many, Once have