Weekly poker parties can provide lively entertainment for nursing home residents.
Throwing frequent parties in nursing homes with fun, engaging activities will enhance and enliven the golden years of residents' lives. You can throw birthday, holiday, surprise and themed parties for no reason other than enjoyment with planning and creativity for very little expense. Any effort toward making the nursing home a more welcoming and enjoyable place will result in happier residents, closer relationships between staff, residents, and families, and increased morale for all involved. Does this Spark an idea?
Seniors can participate directly in the cycles of nature with weekly garden party activities.
Gardens on or near nursing home grounds offer a lively backdrop for inexpensive weekly parties almost all year. Residents can celebrate the ever-changing cycles of nature while nurturing vegetables, fruits, flowers and closer connections together. Garden party activities include garden planning, soil preparation and tilling, composting, planting and transplanting, weeding, watering, pruning, harvesting and admiring the fruits of collective effort. Residents will develop closer bonds with each other and with their living environment by participating consistently in garden party activities. Begin each garden party with time for a shared meal and a discussion of the activities of the day. End each party with time to observe and celebrate the activities that took place and the work and fun that was accomplished.
Find out which residents have music talent and ability and identify others who wish to learn. Organize a party around musical activities including songwriting, sing-alongs, performances, and sharing of musical talents between residents. Provide a music room with an array of musical instruments for residents to use during the music parties. Invite family and members of the public to attend parties with musical performances to give residents a sense of contributing to the greater community. Organize a dance with music provided by a band or bands made up of nursing home residents and outside volunteers from local music and dance instruction schools.
Include a broad selection of games for residents to enjoy at weekly parties. Host a bingo night once a week with a skilled announcer to keep the excitement building before someone shouts, "Bingo!" Invite family members and friends to bring games to play with residents to keep the party stimulating and engaging. Chess, bridge and classic board games also offer hours of fun and connection between residents. The Ungame board game offers a more intellectually and emotionally stimulating activity to encourage deep listening and empowering self-expression that will build more intimate connection between players. Use recipes from Claude Needham's "Any Game Cookbook" to add spiritual depth and experience to resident's favorite games.
Tags: nursing home, party activities, between residents, connection between, cycles nature, family members, garden party