Adults love playing games indoors and outdoors.
Adults have loads of fun at parties in which they play games together. It's all good, clean fun. Party games get the adults up off of their seats, interacting with each other, laughing and having a good time. It is not expensive to organize fun party games at adult parties. Dinner parties, baby showers, bridal showers, or any party for adults is more fun and brings out the inner child in everyone when games are included. Does this Spark an idea?
Fun-loving adults who wish to play games at dinner parties will enjoy "Apple." This game works best with couples. Tell your guests you are having a dance contest. Give each couple an apple to hold between their foreheads while dancing. Start with slow music, and gradually play faster and faster tunes for the couples to dance to. Continue to play varying beats of music, slow, fast, medium, fast, slow... The last couple with the apple held firmly between their foreheads wins.
Truth or Lie?
Truth or Lie is a great party game for adults. It can be used as an ice-breaker for groups in which some people have just met, but is also grand fun for groups of old friends. When people know each other well, they tend to get more clever, creative, and funny with their lies.
This game is easily played while sitting in a circle. Each person tells three things about himself, two truths and one lie. The others write down which one they think was the lie. After everyone has had a turn, players go down the list comparing what they thought were lies. Of course, the person who detected the most lies wins.
Oh Baby!
People love to play games at baby showers. It is not necessary to purchase party game supplies for a baby shower, and free games are sometimes more fun than store-bought games. At your next baby shower, give every guest one clothespin to attach to her clothing. Tell the guests that they must not say the word "baby." Every time one guest catches another using the word "baby," she gets to take the clothespin. At the end of the baby shower, the guest with the most clothespins wins.
Tags: baby shower, play games, baby showers, between their, between their foreheads, each other, party game