Birthday parties can be enjoyable for adults and children.
Birthday parties are a time to celebrate your loved ones in a festive way. For children as well as adults, having a great birthday party can create memories to last a lifetime. Coming up with ideas on celebrate is a major part of birthday party planning. Does this Spark an idea?
Time Warp Parties
For adult parties, reaching back into time is one way to incorporate a theme. For instance, if your birthday boy or girl was born (or grew up) in the 1980s, then an '80s-themed party would be appropriate. Play music from that era, wear '80s-style clothing and decorate with paraphernalia from that decade. For those who were born (or grew up) in 1970s, a disco theme would work well; a 1960s party would be easy to dress for with tie-dyed clothing and long hair wigs. Make sure every detail takes a step back in time--from decorations to invitations to food--for a well-planned party.
Kids' Parties
Kids' parties can be very simple to plan. Kids typically have a few activities or items that they currently love. A theme-based party using one or two of those items is sure to excite your child. A favorite TV show, singer, movie, sport or hobby could be the perfect theme. Revamp old party favorites to include the theme you are using. For instance, pin the tail on the donkey can be revamped as pin the tail on the dinosaur if the child's current obsession is dinosaurs. Having food in theme shapes, as well as decorations, are just some of the ways to incorporate your child's passion into a memorable event.
Activity-Based Party
If your birthday man or woman, or boy or girl, has a passion for a certain activity, celebrate their birthday by incorporating their favorite activity. An ice skating passion from your birthday girl could lead to inviting her closest friends to skate and celebrate at a local ice rink. A man who loves golf can visit a golf course with friends on his birthday and follow the game up with food, drinks and cake. Celebrate a football lover's birthday with a friendly flag football game followed by cake and ice cream. Incorporating the birthday with a loved one's favorite activities is a creative way to show the birthday person a memorable time.
Tags: your birthday, birthday girl, Birthday parties, birthday party, birthday with