Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Do It Yourself Printable Prom Invitations

Make prom even more special by creating your own prom invitations.

When you are a part of the prom committee, one of your responsibilities is to provide the student body with prom invitations. While there are many online services and stationery stores that can provide you with professionally designed and printed prom invitations, you can also use your creativity to make your own invites. A successful invitation has to have the right kind of design, as well as coordinate with your prom theme. Also, you don't want the process to be too manual, since you could be making thousands of invitations, depending on the size of your school.


1. Create your design for the front of the card using a digital design program or traditional art. Keep the size of the invitation and theme of your prom in mind. If your prom has a beach theme, include beach designs like the ocean, starfish or sand themes. If you are using traditional media such as colored pencils, markers or paint, scan your work into the computer after completion.

2. Enter all of the prom information, such as location, time and price, in another digital file that fits the printable area of the card. Use an easy-to-read font that matches with your theme, whether that be traditional, modern or playful.

3. Purchase precut, half-fold inkjet card stock from an office supply store. Make sure the paper is compatible with your inkjet printer. A list of compatible printers is often listed on the back of the card stock packaging.

4. Load the cards into the printer according to the manufacturer's directions.

5. Adjust the printer's settings to accommodate the size and orientation of the card. Print one invitation as a test first to see if the size and orientation of the artwork are correct. Make any tweaks to the size, colors or orientation of the artwork before printing several cards.

6. Flip the card and print the prom information on the inside of the card, adjusting the size and orientation as needed.

7. Print your prom invitations, completing the front of the card first, then the inside. Once complete, fold the cards on the prefolded center line and slip them into envelopes.

Tags: your prom, prom invitations, size orientation, with your, card stock