Friday, 2 October 2015

Flowers & Traditions

Flowers have always held meaning in cultures throughout history. In our own, flowers are given and received with various assumptions behind their meaning. Special considerations should be given to certain types of flowers when giving them as gifts. The idea of color has also held many traditions when coupled with flowers. Does this Spark an idea?


The modern language of flowers had its humble beginnings in Turkey. People used to pass the time by guessing what the meanings were behind each flower. Flowers were also a means of secret communication between lovers. It was not until the Victorian era that meaning was given to each individual flower. It was the Victorians who perfected the language of flowers. Men would pick flowers that had particular meanings to show their feelings to a lady.


There are countless traditions that involve the use of flowers. For example, there are many flowers associated with weddings. Some flowers associated with weddings are roses (particularly red, white and pink), tulips for spring weddings, daisies and cala lilies. The white Madonna lily is associated with the Virgin Mary by Christians. The lily was supposedly yellow until she picked one up. Lilies are used at weddings as well as funerals. The Romans used to use white lilies as medicines. The carnation was quite important to the ancient Greeks and Romans. Koreans believed the flower could tell fortunes.

Birth Flowers

Much like the idea of the birth stone, certain specific flowers are traditionally associated with each month of the year. January's flower is the carnation, which originated in Asia. February's is the iris. The flower symbolizing March is the daffodil. Daisies represent April, and lilies represent May. Roses are the flowers that symbolize June, and delphiniums represent July. The flower that symbolizes August is the gladiola, and asters represent September. Marigolds are October's flower, and chrysanthemums are November's. Poinsettias, the Christmas flower, represent the month of December.


Color has played a large part in tradition. It provides subtle variation on the traditions of flowers themselves. Red flowers convey passion and love. Supposedly perfect for any occasion, pink flowers signify grace and happiness. Orange flowers convey excitement and enthusiasm. Yellow flowers show friendship and joy. Purple flowers are symbols of pride and joy. White flowers convey innocence and purity; black flowers convey obsession. Green flowers are said to bring good luck, showing stability and harmony. Blue flowers represent confidence and security.


Yellow flowers are associated with spring, symbolizing new beginnings and friendship. Orange flowers are associated with the sun, making bold statements of vitality. Red flowers symbolize fire, strength and of course, desire.

Tags: associated with, flowers associated, flowers associated with, flowers convey, associated with weddings, flowers that, language flowers