Monday 8 September 2014

Active Senior Living In Colorado

There is a large variety of opportunities for active seniors in Colorado.

If you are blessed with good health, your golden years don't have to be a time of inactivity. If you live in Colorado, there are many options for senior citizens looking to lead active lives.

Senior Community Centers

Many Colorado cities offer community centers for senior citizens; these centers boast this philosophy: if you thought your senior years were a time for slowing down, then you've never been here. Colorado Springs, for example, hosts a senior center with an art gallery, classrooms, a computer lab and a small gym. The center offers educational opportunities, day trips, art and dance classes, as well as a clinic for local senior citizens.


Many of Colorado's parks and museums offer discounted prices to seniors. The Butterfly Pavilion in Westminster, an insect zoo, offers discounts for seniors. The Pavilion also offers classes in which seniors may observe butterflies and moths, as well as starfish and horseshoe crabs.

Group Activities

Colorado seniors can also enjoy group activities. Some of these groups are for single seniors and many are open to singles and couples. Groups range from support for widows to sports clubs and religious groups.

Tags: senior citizens, Many Colorado