Tuesday 16 December 2014

Games To Play At An Adult Party

Games to Play at an Adult Party

Parties are not just for kids, but if you are going to have an adult party you are going to need some adult games. The games you choose should depend on the comfort level of the guests with each other. Some games can involve drinking or the removal of clothing and should be saved for a group that knows each other well. Some games are designed to see how much the guests know about each other, while others don't require any knowledge of the other players.

Gift Grab

This game requires five to 10 small gifts to be wrapped before the party; the amount spent on them is up to the host. Place the gifts on a gift table so that all the guests can see them. After everyone has arrived at the party, take a deck of cards and deal out the entire deck to the players, some players may have one more card than other players. Using a second deck of cards, flip up one card at a time. The player that has that card from the first deck can now go and claim one of the wrapped gifts off of the table, placing their card in a discard pile. This continues until all the gifts have been claimed. Keep flipping cards after that, though, and when someone's card is revealed after the gifts are claimed, they can steal a gift from anyone they choose. The gifts are opened after the second deck of cards has been revealed. It is possible for some guests to get multiple gifts and others to get none.

Guess The Resolution

As your guests arrive, have them write down on two slips of paper recent New Year's resolutions or resolutions for the upcoming year. Each guest should write their name on the back of the piece of paper and place it in a bowl. After everyone has filled out their resolutions, give each player a piece of paper. Read the resolutions one at a time and have the guests write down who they think made that resolution. After all the resolutions are read, reveal who wrote each one. The player that guessed the most correctly is the winner. The host may choose to give the winner a door prize.

I've Never Drinking Game

The I've Never drinking game allows you to find out which of your friends are some of the wilder ones in your group. Have each of the party guests choose a beverage of their choice, it does not have to include alcohol if the guest prefers to remain sober. Sit at a table or in a circular pattern around the room. Choose one player to start and by announcing something they have never done. Anyone that has done that activity must raise her hand and take a drink. This continues clockwise around the room, with each guest announcing something they have never done hoping that others have and must drink. A variation of this game, played without alcohol for the more adventurous crowd, requires anyone that has done the activity to remove a piece of clothing.

The Name Game

Ask each of your guests to write a different name of a famous person on five sheets of paper. Fold those pieces of paper and place them in a hat. Choose one person to start, that person pulls out one of the pieces of paper and attempts to get the person to their left to guess the name of the famous person. The clue giver has 30 seconds to do this and can give any clue, including the first letter of the person's name, as long as they do not use any part of the person's name other than the first letter. If the other player guesses the person, the clue giver takes another turn. If the other player fails to guess the name, they become the new clue giver and start with a new name, giving clues to the person on their left.

Not So Newlywed Game

Play a home version of The Newlywed Game, but the teams do not have to be married couples. It's more entertaining if they are, though. Create a list of questions where one player tries to guess how their partner will answer it. Assign point values to each question, with the last one of each round being worth the most points. One player from each team writes down the answer they think their partner will give. If the answers match, the point value of that question is awarded to the team. Allow each player for the partnership to have a turn answering and guessing how their partner will answer. The team with the most points at the end of the game is the winner.

Tags: clue giver, deck cards, each other, each player, partner will, their partner