Wednesday 1 October 2014

Birthday Party Games For Toddlers

Bubbles make for a great toddler party game.

Coordinating birthday party games for toddlers can be a challenge. Children who are 2 and 3 years old are typically full of energy and short on attention, making any organized games difficult. A few classic party games for toddlers have wide appeal that are sure to entertain the toddlers at any birthday party.

Bubbles for Toddlers

Blow bubbles and allow the toddlers to chase the bubbles as the children begin to arrive at the birthday party.

Follow the Leader

Play "follow the leader" games for an organized way to let the toddlers burn off a little energy before sitting down to open presents.

Toddler Treasure Hunt

Hide a few special items throughout the birthday party venue and allow the toddlers to search for the items. Inform the children what they are looking for and allow them to keep their treasures.

Toddler Sing-Along

As the birthday party winds down, one of the best birthday party games for children can be a simple sing-along. Sing songs such as "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and "I'm a Little Teapot." Incorporate hand motions or dances into the songs.

Pinata for Toddlers

While toddlers cannot typically break open a pinata, they will love trying. This is a great birthday party game to bring out if tensions start to rise between the children.

Tags: birthday party, party games, allow toddlers, birthday party, birthday party games, games toddlers