Tuesday 7 October 2014

Bridal Shower Invitation Wording

Simply worded shower invitations are usually the best.

Coming up with the wording for a stellar bridal shower invitation isn't as tough as you think--even if you aren't exactly a creative type. The key to penning a perfect bridal shower invitation is to put your own apprehensions aside and think about the couple getting married. Drawing from their desires, interests and relationship with you will provide all the inspiration you need to capture the vibe of the event in just a few short lines. Remember--the simpler the better.

Basic Information

Before beginning to think creatively about invitation wording, remember to include the very basic information guests will need for the event. Be sure to specify the event is a bridal shower, and include the brides' name, where the event will be held, where the event is located, what time the event will take place, and an RSVP name and phone number. Also be sure to specify the date by which guests must respond.

Creative Wording

A basic, traditional bridal shower invitation will likely say, "Please join us for a bridal shower honoring (bride's name)," followed by all the other appropriate information. While this will always work, you may want your bridal shower's invitations to send a message about the intended mood or theme of the event. Some suggestions include writing a short poem about the bride-to-be or the engaged couple, or using plays on words that coincide with the party theme or favors. For example, if the favors include coffee or tea, phrases such as "love is brewing," or "the perfect blend" would work.

You could also introduce the information by saying "(Bride) and (Groom) are tying the knot" or "Let's shower the bride-to-be with love."

Special Considerations

It is usually not customary for the person throwing the shower to have their name included on the invitation, unless they are the person guests will RSVP to. Consider more generic wording, such as "join the happy bridesmaids/mothers/friends as they celebrate the marriage of (bride)."

If the bridal shower is a surprise, be sure to make note of this prominently in the invitation wording. Differentiate the word "surprise" with bold, larger or different colored lettering, or be sure "Shhh! It's a surprise!" is displayed at the top of the invitation.

Include where the bride is registered. Or, note prominently that the bride does not want gifts (for giftless showers). In addition, be sure to specify any special instructions, such as whether guests should bring a recipe, a kitchen utensil or some other smaller sentimental item the bride can keep and cherish.

Don't forget jack-and-jill showers and showers for gay couples. These events allow for even more creativity. Be sure to cater to the tastes of both parties and capture their unique style.

Tags: bridal shower, bridal shower invitation, shower invitation, sure specify, event will