Wednesday 10 December 2014

Fun Classroom Activities For 5th Grade

Make learning a positive experience for students.

Fun and creative activities for students will not only grab the students' attention but help you to keep it. You will find many different ideas for fifth-grade students are geared toward learning while still having a good time. This enhances the child's learning by making it a positive experience instead of a potentially boring one.

Plan for Peace

World peace has been a dream of many throughout history. Having students come up with their own peace plan will not only stimulate their minds in a positive way, it will also help develop critical thinking skills. You will need construction paper, markers, scissors and string. Help students create their plan by brainstorming and then writing down their ideas. Once this is complete, have each student cut paper into the shape of a medallion. On one side write out the peace plan. On the other side have students use markers to illustrate what they think peace would look like. Use string to create a necklace medallion.

Practicing Math With Bingo

Practicing mathematics while playing bingo is a simple way to keep children alert and having a good time while learning. Make a bingo card for each child to use and give them plastic chips to use for the game. Read aloud a math problem to be solved. Then have them use the answer they get to mark off numbers on their card. This will help students learn to solve math problems quickly and correctly.

Mitosis Flip Book

Have students create their own mitosis flip book. Provide a step-by-step pictorial of the mitosis process for students to use as a guide. Using index cards and markers, have students illustrate each step, drawing one picture on each index card. Once students have placed the cards into the correct order, staple the stack together to create a flip book. This allows children to watch the mitosis process with their own illustrations and will help them better understand each step.

Judging a Book by the Cover

For this project, students will need to check out a book from the school library or bring one from home that they have not read. Have students look at the outside of their book but not read the summary. Instruct children to write a paragraph about what they think the book is about, descriptions of what the characters will be like and any additional thought they may have about the cover. Collect the papers. Once students have finished reading the books, have them re-read their paragraphs to see how accurately they were able to judge the book by its cover.

Tags: create their, each step, good time, have them, having good