Friday 5 December 2014

Free Kids Luau Party Ideas

Use popped popcorn to make edible Hawaiian leis.

Throwing a luau party for your child's birthday or other special occasion does not have to be expensive. Use items found around the house to make party favors, decoration and even create games with a tropical twist. Let your kids exercise their creativity and help you plan and decorate their own Hawaiian luau party. Does this Spark an idea?

Edible Popcorn Leis

Let your kids welcome their guests with a lei greeting. Depending on the age, they may squirm a bit at the traditional kiss, but using an edible popcorn lei will put a smile on most young faces. Pop the popcorn and then string the burst kernels on sewing thread. Use a medium-size sewing needle to poke the string through each piece. Kids can do this with supervision. Once the string of popcorn is long enough, tie it into a necklace. String some gumdrops, gummy sharks or gummy fish on the leis for a bit of color and variety.

Seashell Place Cards

Kids love to collect seashells. If you've been to a beach recently, there are probably more than a few hiding in dresser drawers, boxes or even under the bed. Find these hidden treasures and then get out the coloring pens, non-toxic paints and some glitter. Write each child's name in the middle of the seashells. Flat shells such as scallops and clams work best. Let the kids decorate the shells by drawing colorful designs and gluing sparkly bits on each one. Use the painted shells to mark each child's place at the table.

Pin The Flame On The Volcano

Put a Hawaiian spin on the popular "Pin the Tail on the Donkey" game by using a volcano as the target and cut out pieces of red "flame" to do the pinning. Using a large piece of drawing paper, outline a cone-shaped volcano and paint it dark gray or black. Get creative and paint streaks of red lava down the sides. Cut red flames out of construction paper. Blindfold each player and let them try and pin the flame at the top of the volcano. The one who gets the flame closest to the top is the winner.

Musical Beach Towels

This game works much like musical chairs. Have each child bring their own beach towel to your luau party. Spread all but one towel in a large circle. Everyone stands outside the circle. When the music starts, the kids walk around the outside of the circle. When the music stops each child sits on the closest towel. The person who did not find an empty towel is eliminated. Remove one towel and then repeat. Eventually you will be down to two kids circling one towel. The one who sits on the last towel is the winner.

Tags: each child, circle When, circle When music, luau party, outside circle, outside circle When