Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Children'S Activities On Tropical Fish

Choose from several fun activities to teach kids about tropical fish.

There are thousands of tropical fish species. While this number may seem daunting if you are teaching kids about these colorful creatures, several fun activities can help children learn about the primary types of tropical fish, from freshwater cichlids to saltwater clownfish. You can choose from in-class projects and field trips outside the classroom.

Tropical Fish Coloring Books

Coloring is a fun way to learn about tropical fish. Distribute a variety of tropical fish coloring pages to the children you are teaching. Make sure each picture includes the species name of the fish and provide crayons or markers in a variety of colors. Have each child color a certain tropical fish and then present the pictures to the class. Show an actual photograph of each tropical fish and have the class compare them to the students' creations. Be positive, encouraging the children's creativity while teaching them the names and traits of the different tropical fish. Photocopy coloring pages from coloring books, available at toy and craft stores, or print them from the Internet.

Trip to an Aquarium or Fish Store

Take children on a field trip to the local aquarium to see real tropical fish, up close and personal. Focus on the tropical fish tanks and ask the kids to identify the different species by looking at the photo labels that should be outside of each tank. Often, these labels also have information about the eating habits and natural habitat of each species. If you don't have an aquarium in your area, go to a local pet store that sells a variety of tropical fish. Seeing these fish and listening to a knowledgeable employee can effectively teach children about tropical fish.

Raising Tropical Fish

Tropical fish can live by themselves in fish bowls for a period of time before they need more space. You can buy a few different types of tropical fish and put them in individual fish bowls for children to observe and feed. Get information booklets on fish from the pet store and teach the children about each type based on its appearance and habits. Fish bowls should hold about a gallon of water. Once the fishbowl becomes dirty, or you want to group the fish together, buy a larger aquarium, about 10 gallons or larger. Place the fish together and have the kids care for them as an addition to the classroom or household. Be mindful that some tropical fish, such as cichlids, are very predatory and will eat the other fish. Learning the eating and territorial habits of the fish is a great activity for kids as well.

Tags: tropical fish, tropical fish, about tropical, about tropical fish, children about