Friday, 24 October 2014

Club Flyer Ideas

An eye-catching flyer will be colorful and unique.

Advertising club activities serves both to alert club members to upcoming events and to recruit new members to keep the club growing. When you use a clear and distinctive font, color highlights and an eye-catching logo, your club flyer will inspire existing members and make your club the one to join. Create an original "brand" for your club, and use digital images that pique viewers' interest to get started.

Brand or Logo

An original logo can be used on flyers and other advertising for the club.

Your club flyer will get the attention it deserves when you use a club "brand" or logo. Placing a club logo in color at the top left and bottom right of your flyer will attract the eye of current club members and increase the curiosity of potential participants. By placing the logo in two different locations, you increase the opportunities for it to be viewed even if someone posts something slightly over your flyer on a bulletin board. If you don't have a club brand, ask members to submit ideas and make the icon as unique as your club.

For example, a chess club may want to use a hand drawn overview of an interesting chess piece such as the King or Bishop. This abstract looking logo will pique viewer's interest and can be used on all club promotional materials. Pair your logo up with an easily readable font such as Comic Sans to produce your flyer.

Smiling Faces

Use digital photos of club members to inspire new people to join.

Especially attention-getting for a high school club flyer, use digital photo images of club members doing club-related activities along the right or left side of the flyer. The photos will get other kids to look at the flyer to see friends and, when matched with a clear description of the club, inspire students to join in the fun. Use a photo-strip or Polaroid photo border around the images to enhance the look and draw more attention to the photos.

For example, a drama club can use production and rehearsal images on the club flyer or can create a new take on the "comedy and tragedy mask" symbol by having students mock the traditional mask expressions.

Vintage Photos

When you use attention-getting images on your flyer, it gets attention.

Antique photos attract attention for both nostalgic reasons and historical relevance, so using vintage images gets your flyer read. Use a typewriter-like font and some vintage photos of people from the early 1900s doing something related to your club activities. Antique or vintage photos can be found online or from your own family photo albums.

For example, a cycling club could use some photos featuring people riding a High Wheel bicycle or a classic kid's Schwinn. Make one of these images your new club logo, and your advertising plan is done for the year.

Tags: your club, your flyer, club flyer, club members, flyer will