Monday 13 October 2014

Carnival Game Theme Party Ideas

Carnival game theme parties recreate the feeling of an old-time town carnival for both children and adult guests. There are a variety of games you can play for your carnival game theme party. These include games of skill such as tossing games and games of luck such as horse racing games and lollipop trees. To continue the carnival theme in your party, serve food that you would find at a local carnival or fair. Does this Spark an idea?

Tossing Games

For your carnival game themed party, there are a variety of skill based tossing games that you can have for the children or adults to play. A penny toss game can be created by covering a piece of cardboard in aluminum foil and placing numerous cans and jars on top of the cardboard. Give the players pennies to toss into the cans and jars, and award prizes for each one that lands there. Prizes could be small such as pieces of candy for each penny landed in the target.

An elephant trunk tossing game can be created by drawing an image of an elephant on a cardboard box. On top of the box, attach a small piece of a vacuum's tube. Give players small rings and have them toss the rings towards the vacuum's tube which represents the elephant's trunk. Award prizes for landing the rings on the trunk.

Creating a can toss game can be done by setting up a pyramid of cans on a table with three on the bottom row, two on the next and one on the top. Give contestants beanbags or wiffle balls to toss at the cans. Give each player three tosses, and any player that knocks down all three cans is a winner.

Horse Racing Game

Create a horse racing game for your carnival game theme party. Draw a game board on a piece of poster board. This should have a starting space for six different horses. There should also be anywhere from six to 10 spaces for each horse to progress through before crossing the finish line. Have each player choose a horse, with six players playing at once. Roll three dice. Move one space each time the horse's number shows up on a die. If a horse's number shows up on two of the three dice it advances three spaces, and if it shows up on all three dice it moves all the way to the finish line, winning the race. The first horse to cross the finish line on the game board wins the race, and a prize is awarded to the contestant who chose that horse.

Lollipop Tree

Create a true game of chance. Using a piece of cardboard or poster board, create a series of rows of holes in which the stick of a lollipop will fit through. Color the end of the sticks of the lollipops to correspond with a certain prize. Have each player choose one lollipop from the lollipop tree. The color on the end of the stick on the other side of the cardboard determines the prize the player wins. The player gets both the prize and the lollipop.


For your carnival game theme party, serve a variety of carnival-type food. This can include pizza, hamburgers, hot dogs and chicken tenders. Along with these offer sides such as french fries, onion rings and popcorn. For snacks and dessert have ice cream, cotton candy and chocolate-covered fruit such as apples, bananas, and strawberries.

Tags: your carnival, your carnival game, carnival game, each player, finish line