Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Do It Yourself Seal & Send Paper

Seal and send paper invitations provide an inexpensive and more environmentally friendly option to traditional stationery. With send and seal paper, the card is folded into three parts, with the lower part perforated so it can be used as a tear-off response postcard. When sealed, the outside of the card becomes the envelope. These invitations are efficient and frugal designs for weddings, parties or even business events.


The easiest way to make your own seal and send paper is to purchase pre-cut seal and send printable sheets, available at stationery stores and online vendors. Use your word processing software to type in the text and print them on your home printer.

If you're more ambitious, purchase 11-by-17-inch card or cover-weight paper stock and make your own printable sheets. To do this you will need a printer that can print documents 11 inches wide and a paper perforator tool, available in craft supply stores. You'll also need to be comfortable creating a two column layout in your word processing software.

Using one piece of card stock as a template, make a vertical line down the center using a ruler and pencil. Make a horizontal line 2 1/2 inches from the top of the sheet, another horizontal line 4 inches down from the first line and two more horizontal lines below that, each 4 inches apart. You'll end up with a template with two 5 1/2-inch columns, with a 2 1/2-inch top section and three 4-inch sections below. The remaining lower 2 1/2 inches will be trimmed later. Each sheet will make two 4-by-5 1/2-inch folded seal and send invitations.

Fold and unfold the template sheet along your marked lines so that you can see the template layout from both sides of the sheet. Using a pencil, note on the sheet where your text will appear. On the front, the invitation text will be on the two top 4-inch panels, with the RSVP text on the bottom panel. On the back, the R.S.V.P address will be written on the lower panel and the return address on the 2 1/2-inch top panel. The return address must be written upside down, because it will be folded over the top. Or, use a return address label on the upper panel.

Lay out your invitation text with your word processing software. Run a test sheet through your printer to make sure the text is centered and falls within your layout. When you are satisfied with the results, print your invitations. Using a paper cutter or utility knife and ruler, trim 2 1/2 inches off the bottom of each sheet. Using your paper perforator, make a perforated line 4 inches from the bottom of each sheet. Cut the sheets in half. Address, fold and seal your invitations with a decorative sticker or wax seal.

Tags: line inches, processing software, return address, seal send, word processing, word processing software