Family Reunion
Memory Book Ideas
After all of the time and planning that went into assembling your kith and kin for a reunion, you want to make sure you preserve the memories for future generations to enjoy. Here are some ideas for creating an imaginative record of your special time together.
Create photo collages and family trees, as well as captioned groupings by age, relationships, distinguishing features (such as height and hair color) and who traveled the shortest and greatest distances to attend.
Timeless Advice
Purchase colorful stationery or blank postcards, and have everyone who attends the reunion write their best bit of advice for future generations.
My Favorite Things
Provide family members with short questionnaires that ask them to identify their favorite foods, songs, movies, colors, books and traditions. Be sure to have them date and sign the questionnaire.
On This Day
Intersperse newspaper clippings, weather reports, horoscopes and pop-culture references pertinent to the day or weekend the reunion was held.
What's Cooking?
Invite everyone to add their favorite family recipe. Don't forget to take lots of pictures of the food served at your reunion; these images will trigger fond "smells" in the future. If your reunion is at a restaurant, save a business card and a copy of the menu.
Family Records
Make a list of your guests' birthdays, anniversaries and home addresses and phone numbers as of the date of the reunion. This will help recipients of your memory book keep track of each other and acknowledge special occasions.
Tags: Book Ideas, Family Reunion, Family Reunion Memory, future generations, Memory Book Ideas, Reunion Memory, Reunion Memory Book