Wednesday 10 September 2014

Adult Outdoor Party Games

Adult Outdoor Party Games

Party games not only add more enjoyment, they break the ice, bringing people together. Lenore Terr, M.D., clinical professor of psychiatry and author of "Beyond Love and Work: Why Adults Need to Play," stresses the importance of play and writes, "I find that the kind of play that adults prefer often harks back to the kinds they most enjoyed during their childhood." Think of your childhood games as clues for your next party and make it one everyone will remember. Does this Spark an idea?


Create a limbo stick for this outdoor game using, for example, a bamboo pole, a glow-in-the-dark string or a string of lights. Have a person on either end hold the stick up high to start. Play limbo music and have each guest walk under the stick without touching the ground and without falling. After all of the guests have taken their turn, lower the limbo stick a few inches and have each person walk under the stick again. Guests who fall or touch the ground must leave the game. The last guest who successfully walks under the stick wins the game.

Hula Hoop Contest

Purchase a couple of hula hoops, create some prizes and have a hula contest. Cut out the bottom of green, drawstring trash bags, and then cut long, thin slits in them to form "hula skirts." These bags will fit both men and women. Using a timer, see how long each guest can perform the most hula hoops in a given period of time, such as 10 to 15 seconds. That guest will win the prize. In another variation using a stop watch, see which guest can hula hoop the longest for a prize. This game works well for your Hawaiian luau party or any outdoor party.

Treasure Hunt

An adult outdoor treasure hunt can bring back childhood memories. As the party host, make a list of items ahead of time to plant in your backyard, on the beach, or in the park, for example. Use items from around the house, such as a can of soup. Have a friend help you if you plan to have several guests. Then make up clues for each item. When your guests arrive, have them participate in the treasure hunt as individuals or in teams. Keep a sense of humor throughout the game with your clues, items and the final prize for the winner.

Tags: under stick, Adult Outdoor, Adult Outdoor Party, each guest, have each, hula hoops