Monday 8 September 2014

About The Coconut Palm Tree

The coconut palm tree, the sole member of its genus, Cocos, has no truly close relatives and yet is a valuable economic source as well as food in many areas around the world. The Filipino people even have proverbs regarding the coconut tree to help illistrate its importance; one is "He who plants a coconut tree, plants vessels and clothing, food and drink, a habitation for himself and a heritage for his children."


The coconut palm three grows worldwide in tropical regions, though not much is known about where the tree originated; it is thought to be native to the South Pacific or the Malay Archipelago. Cultivation of the coconut palm has been occurring in India for more than 4,000 years, leading some botanists to think that the origin may be around the Indian Ocean area. Spread by both nature and man, this tree is now quite widespread.


Coconut palm trees come in a variety of heights ranging from the dwarf variety, which reaches between 30 and 60 feet, to the tall varieties, which, at maturity, may be 80 to 100 feet. All varieties have slender, branchless trunks with bases that are swollen out and often lean or curve because of soil conditions, the weight of the fruit or even the wind.


For more than 4,000 years coconut palm trees have been cultivated and used by the people of India, and fossilized coconut specimens have been located as far south as New Zealand. Considered among the worlds most useful trees, it has been so widely spread among the tropics for so long that its full history is unknown.


There is no nut more used or extensively grown around the world, with more than 360 known uses for the tree, half of those being food-related. Making a significant economic contribution to many countries in the tropics, the coconut palm tree is the palm tree of greatest importance. Copra, or coconut meat, is the main product of the nut. From the copra, coconut oil is produced, which is used in a variety of products including cooking oil, shampoo, cosmetics and soap. Locally, much of the fruit is consumed as a food source.


At the tip of the tree is where the heart or growing point exists. This growing point, with a size similar to your forearm is where the immature leaves are. If this is removed the tree dies. At somewhere between four and six years old, the coconut palm will begin to flower, producing both male and female flowers. Male flowers, found at the branchlet ends are light yellow and small as opposed to the larger female flowers, also light yellow, but located more toward the branchlet base. Flowers that are properly bound up so they cannot open can have their tips cut, which will yield sap. This sap may be turned into syrup, distilled or left alone to become vinegar. Flowers that are fertilized become the coconut, a hairy shelled nut surrounded by a husk that is fibrous and thick.

Tags: coconut palm, more than, around world, coconut palm, coconut palm tree