Thursday 4 September 2014

About Adult Party Games

Parties are given for a variety of reasons. They allow people an opportunity to celebrate special occasions, get together with friends and just relax. Many adult parties center around work related activities or much needed quality time with friends that they seldom see due to the demands of work and family life. Adult party games can help set the tone for a party and provide enjoyable activities that everyone can participate in. Does this Spark an idea?


Adult party games vary depending on the style of the party given. A party involving co-workers will involve different games than a party with close friends. Parties may also be held specifically for singles and/ or couples. They might also integrate specific themes or honor certain occasions. Games are often chosen according to the occasion being celebrated. For instance, a Hawaiian themed party might have a limbo contest.


The party location can impact the types of games played. Parties held in a secluded, or wooded, setting can incorporate activities outside of the house. For instance, a treasure hunt can allow guests to move in and around the property. Adult parties that take place in apartment complexes or with other people nearby may have to limit their noise level and thus cannot play games where people yell or loud music blares. These types of parties may be best limited to board or card games that don't get overly rowdy.

Time Frame

Time frame also has an impact on party games chosen. If the party is intended to last for a short period of time, then games that can be wrapped up quickly are the best option. Many card games such as poker, can be abandoned at anytime, but still make enjoyable party games. Certain board games also end relatively quickly. Parties intended to last a long period of time or that go overnight should include longer games. Treasure hunts can easily be shortened or lengthened according to the duration of time needed.


When it comes to choosing adult party games, the choices are endless. Some options include card games, board games, trivia, drinking games, and charades. The important thing is to choose games suitable for the party goers. If the group involves an intimate grouping of friends, games like truth or dare can be fun. In this scenario, party goers are less afraid to reveal personal details or act a little quirky. A party with strangers, on the other hand, should add games that help people get to know one another. For instance, an easy game of introductions involves taping an index card to each party goers back. People then move around the room and write personality characteristics that they believe that person has based on their appearance and demeanor. Finally, each person reads their card and either agrees or disagrees with the statements made.


Adults can choose from a variety of drinking games. Drinking games can be played with a variety of objects including dice, quarters and cards. One drinking game, called quarters, simply involves bouncing a quarter into glasses filled with beer. The person whose glass the quarter lands in must drink the glass in full. However, if the party involves drinking, it is best to plan for designated drivers or for party goers to spend the night so that drunk driving is not an issue. Drinking games can also lead to drinking in excess which can be harmful.

Tags: party games, party goers, card games, games that, board games, drinking games